Before writing our opinion and research on the subject, we conducted a survey to get your feedback on the matter. Below is the result we got from our Instagram account.
The results suggest that customers prefer re-cyclable cutlery over re-usable cutlery at a percentage rate of 88% vs 12%. This sounds like a reasonable choice as we believe recyclable goods are simply environmentally friendly. But to understand the true impact we need the proper definition of these two words. Recycling is the re-processing of a product from new raw material to a new product. While re-usable means the ability to use a product for a longer period of time. But both these terms are just two steps of the three R strategy in bringing about environmental sustainability, in which the first stage is reducing usage.
Therefore whether the cutlery product is recyclable or re-usable, they both contribute towards environmental sustainability. So consumers should focus on choosing the best product that suits the occasion, saves resources on reproduction, and is also cost-efficient.
For example, at our Shenal Traders Party Store, we got cutlery that is made purely made of fiber and wood such as forks and spoons. We also have products made of paper such as plates, straws, and cups which are fully degradable and recyclable. But the downsides are they cost more compared to plastic products and can be used only once. And most of them still come in plastic packaging.
So the best option is to use these types of
products on small-scale events and occasions. Especially birthday parties, small office gatherings, hangovers, home celebrations such as anniversaries and dinners where you can add color and glamour while being conscious about the environment.
But if it's something of a larger scale and running on a budget for organizing that event, you might likely go with the cutlery and tableware items that are more likely to be made of plastics. Even though they are not recyclable in short term, they can be re-used and stored avoiding the re-production of these items. So if you're organizing an office event, a wedding, or a social gathering it is idle to go with these types of products. But make sure to coordinate and follow through the event that these products do not go to waste without being re-used or properly disposed.
To reduce this wastage, we have introduced item packs which helps you decide what you exactly need while promoting environmental sustainability and reducing landfill. These party packs are also available in supermarkets such as Keells, Cargills, SPAR, and Laugfs all around Sri Lanka. Or you can just order custom packs directly through our website with no hassle.
So whether it's a reusable or recyclable product you choose as cutlery make sure to maximize usage and reduce wastage.